I promise you…I’ve not gotten lazy, just busy. I must turn to THE KID IN THE HELMET, my trusted compatriot to pick up some slack for me. I have seen Safe House (4 of 5 Horns) and I felt compelled to go and see the 3-D Phantom Men-ASS…yes, you can infer from that terrible joke, that I find the Episode I calamity, my least favorite of the George Lucas’s saga…
I leave you in the safe capable hands of The Kid in the Helmet…take it away, Kid:
Hello Reel Rhino reader, The Kid in the Helmet here once again.
So, a couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend a Fathom event at AMC Barrywoods. For those who don't know, Fathom puts live events on the big screen around the country. This was something I never thought I would do as the only Fathom events I have ever seen advertised prior were for the ballet, the opera, and some sort of Glenn Beck thing. Nothing I would spend money on. But for those of you who have read my contributions to Rhino's blog before you know I am a big Kevin Smith fan. So when I heard he would be doing a Fathom event featuring a live recording of one of his many podcasts, "Jay and Silent Bob Get Old," (http://smodcast.com/channels/jay-silent-bob-get-old/), it was like they had decided to do this show for me alone, and I felt like a very special boy, indeed.
(Reel Rhino note…I added that last line. The Kid is, as previously noted, by far in the top 7 to 12 Kevin Smith fans…in the world.)
My dad (Papa Schmer) tagged along with me and we arrived an hour early to ensure a good seat. This turned out to not be necessary as there were only about 10-15 people in the theater...but when it's streamed all across the country, the crowd adds up, I suppose. Things started off a little rough with some technical difficulties...they were late getting the show running by about 5-10 minutes and then there was another 5-10 minutes of sound but no picture. But it eventually got squared away, and for a 20 minute run of technical issues, AMC was kind enough to give us a pass for a free movie, so all's well that ends well.
Jay and Silent Bob Get Old was as funny as always. It began with a conversation around Kevin's dog Skully who was slowly passing away...doesn't sound like a funny topic I know, so I guess I'll just say you'd have to hear it to realize that much like Kevin can do with even the most morose of topics, he spins it just right. Check it out if so inclined. The rest of the show mostly revolved around Kevin telling a story about trying to keep his large pet tortoise from...how shall I put this...making unwanted coitus with his smaller pet tortoise. Funny stuff, so give it a listen.
After the podcast Kevin and Jay came back out and did a Q&A taking questions from the audience in the theater as well as the audience all over the country via Twitter. The big news from the Q&A was that Jay and Silent Bob will be returning to the big screen.
(Reel Rhino note….WHA, WHA, WHA….WHAT! ~ nice!)
Recently Jay came to Kevin and told him he was bored and looking from something to work on. Kevin tossed him a script he had written for an animated Jay and Silent Bob movie. Jay went off on his own and got it financed and produced. It is called "Jay and Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie." It will premier this year at the Toronto International Film Festival and then Kevin will take it on the road similar to last year’s Red State road show. While it is mostly animated it will also feature a live action portion for which Kevin any Jay will don the costumes once again. For more details on this and many other Smith related things check out this exclusive interview with the man himself:
Overall I would rate the Fathom event experience 4.5 out of 5 Helmets. It loses a half a helmet due to the technical difficulties. Kevin will be doing another one of these soon with another podcast, Hollywood Babble-On, his weekly Hollywood Poop Chute with Ralph Garmin, made famous for his Silent Bob-esque role as the speechless Caleb in Smith’s Red State. No, actually, he is quite a well renowned voice actor and notable DJ on KROQ in Los Angeles. He is funny and great with impersonations….only the penitent man will pass…penitent man, penitent man….(Harrison Ford). So look for that soon and check it out.
Overall I would rate the Fathom event experience 4.5 out of 5 Helmets. It loses a half a helmet due to the technical difficulties. Kevin will be doing another one of these soon with another podcast, Hollywood Babble-On, his weekly Hollywood Poop Chute with Ralph Garmin, made famous for his Silent Bob-esque role as the speechless Caleb in Smith’s Red State. No, actually, he is quite a well renowned voice actor and notable DJ on KROQ in Los Angeles. He is funny and great with impersonations….only the penitent man will pass…penitent man, penitent man….(Harrison Ford). So look for that soon and check it out.
The cost was only $15 bucks...pretty cheap for a fun and different movie going experience. Hell, I heard the Reel Rhino once paid $17 to see The Jonas Brothers 72 minute concert movie….sucker. I got a 3 hour show…now that’s buying power!
Thanks Kid! You are always a welcome addition to the site…also good at picking up my slack! I promise to return soon with some reviews, pithy comments on life, and all around goodness.
Take care…
Reel Rhino
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