I am just returning from a great week in DC, I must say I am most envious of my favorite Indie Girl, Kimbaliano, who is currently rubbing elbows with film glitterati in Park City. There has been a great deal of buzz about this year's Sundance Film Festival and I am excited to get a report here and there from our girl on the streets. Stay tuned to the back half of this post for her first update…
In the course of my DC run, I had a chance to make it to three movies, two new in Shame and The Divide, and one repeat in M:I 4, at the Smithsonian Institute National History Museum IMAX theater.
I will post soon on Shame and The Divide, but I want to focus now on my third viewing of Mission: Impossible 4…

I have commented at length on my enjoyment on my enjoyment of the M:I 4, but this was my first run at...oh, I am excited just writing about it...The Dark Knight Rises prologue. By God is it glorious!!
It is the most appropriate introduction to the new nemesis of the Bat that we could ever hope for. And folks, Bane is going to be spectacular. If you haven't seen the prologue, make it a priority now. You will not regret it…it is worth the trip, wherever you have to go to see it. I was truly flabbergasted at how intense and exciting it was. Gritty and compelling, Christopher Nolan continues to amaze me with his talent and creativity.
I will be there at the midnight screening for this, I promise.
Reel Rhino yields the floor to KIMBALIANO, who is back in the house for her favorite time of the year!
Yep, my friend gets to live the good life for a week…a life which I envy and plan to emulate sometime in the future. She works as a volunteer by day, taking in flicks by night. And thank the good Lord she has great attention to detail, and once again, is willing to share her experiences!
Thank you KIMBALIANO…truly, thank you!
(reposted from an e-mail she sent me Sunday evening)
Sundance is going great! I got here Friday night, and my volunteer shifts don't start until Wednesday, so I'm packing the movies in now. 4 yesterday, 3 today - my movie going muscles are already sore :)
My favorite so far has been MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, a small, intimate story from the perspective of the wife of a man serving 5-10 years in prison. Really well acted, and beautifully shot.
I've seen a couple docs - one called THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLES - focusing on the family who runs the Wingate Timeshare Empire (most recently having built the PH Towers on the strip in Las Vegas). What started as a story of excess, and the building of their new house (inspired by the actual Versailles which, once built, would be the largest house in America), became a story of the markets crashing and the collapse of their fortune. It was really promising and totally fascinating, but I'm not sure the film makers knew how to focus the heavy story that unfolded in front of them. Overall it was a bit of a mess and lacked a point of view, but there's no denying it provided an interesting view into a life very few people lead.
Big Boys Gone Bananas, another doc, about an amazing David and Goliath story of a small Swedish film maker who directed a film (Bananas!*) about Dole's use of pesticides in Nicaraguan banana orchards, and Dole's all out assault on the film and it's film makers. It is a really interesting story, if only 10-15 minutes too long.
The most memorable movie so far was Tim and Eric's billion dollar movie. Now, apparently these guys have a bit of a cult following on the Internet, and there were a TON of cameos - Will Forte, Zack Galifianakis, Jeff Goldblum, etc. We actually left before the movie was over. I'm all for random, quirky, edgy humor, but I just didn't find this movie funny at all. It was just odd...and gross…and not great. We actually held out longer than about 20 other folks who left before us. Perhaps if you like their Internet show, this is for you, but it was not for me.
Snow has kept us stuck in Salt Lake (and sadly the film makers stuck in Park City) so the star sightings and Q and A’s have been minimal. It’s supposed to clear up, and we're hoping to get to Park City tomorrow. I'll keep you updated :).
Until later…take care!
Reel Rhino
I wish I would have known you were so close, I would have come down!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are home safe, and I hope you guys are doing well.
Sorry :-) I was jammed up pretty much the whole week. We are planning an East Coast romp this summer, and Flip-a-delphia is on the stop list.